WebCams Compatible with Universal Adapter

Go to: Webcam Adapter HOME Page

Go to the "Mogg Adapter" Web Store for your Astronomy Imaging needs

The 12M X 0.5 thread is the standard for micro-video lenses (see Edmund's Optics Catalog), and is used on the 3Com Home Connect (or Vista Imaging) PC Web Cam. Seems like most cameras with "micro-video" lenses. Even the security cameras (pinhole ones excepted) can use the adapter for that reason.


Best Universal Adapter Version

Quick Cam B/W UWAL-F
Quick Cam Express  UWAL-F
Quick Cam VC UWAL-F
Quick Cam Pro UWAL-F
Quick Cam Pro 3000 UWAL-F
Quick Cam Pro 4000 UWAL-F
Quick Cam 5000 Series UWAL-F
3 Com Home Connect UWAL-F
Vesta Pro (PCVC675K & PCVC680K)  UWAT-F
ToUcam Pro (PCVC740K) UWAT-F (New version still fits the older 740 model)
ToUcam Pro II 840 UWAT-F (Modified 1 Nov 03 to fit both 840 & 740)
Philips SPC 900NC (Toucam III) W900NC-F (New)
X10 XCam2  UWAT-F
Creative Webcam Pro EX UWAT-F
Creative Webcam NX Ultra . UWAT-F
iREZ KritterUSB Digital Video Camera Technology UWAT-F
SK-1004 XAC B/W miniature TV UWAT-F
Kensington VideoCAM  UWAT-F
Alaris Quickvideo weeCam UWAT-F
WATEC (C-Mount Video Camera) UWAC-F
Intel PC Deluxe Camera NOT M12 0.5 Lens - No Adapter
Big Picture Camera NOT M12 Threaded lens fitting - No adapter
 3 Com Lite CMOS Camera - NOT an M12 lens fitting. No adapter
Blaze PC0995 UWAT-F
Unibrain Fire-i web cam Not M12 Compatable

Please email me with additional information on camera adapter issues.



QuickCAM B/W with Prototype Adapter which was a bit shorter than the UWAL. If you look closely you will see that the board isn't mounted correctly. Hence the UWAL was developed.  Use UWAL if want to use the original case. Vignetting may be an issue. Use the UWAS to get around vignetting issues, however,  you will have to modify the front of the original case to allow the adapter to screw into the lens mounting.

Installed.jpg (32690 bytes)


Vesta Pro

Picture of the Vesta Pro PCVC - Screw the UWAS in where the lens went. Use caution since the metal case threads can damage the adapter threads if you cross threaded the adapter.

lensmoun-sm.jpg (17056 bytes)Mvc-026s.jpg (17642 bytes)Mvc-028s.jpg (22355 bytes)



ToUcam Pro

Picture of the ToUCam Pro. This has become a very popular camera for Astro use. Unfortunately the UWAS adapter would not fit the very stylish case design. So I decided to make another version of the adapter (UWAT-F). This adapter was modified 1 Nov 03 so that it would also fit the new ToUcam Pro II 840 camera. So the UWAT-F adapter now fits both the 740 and 840 models. Older UWAT-F adapters won't fit the 840 unfortunately.

The original UWAT-F adapter doesn't fits the new Philips SPC 900NC camera. The step on the lens thread mount was slightly to large in diameter to fit inside the lens recess plus the mounting thread is too far back inside the case. But to close to use the UWAL-F adapter. So I have had to make a new adapter for this camera. The W900NC-F adapter fits the SPC900NC camera.

Phillips Toucam III or SPC 900NC

Look here for lens removal procedures:



Philips ToUcam Pro II 840 camera

Mvc-001s.jpg (14859 bytes)Mvc-002s.jpg (16018 bytes)Mvc-003s.jpg (24994 bytes)

The original ToUcam 740 Series Camera- Lens removed and adapter - Note the gap between adapter UWAS and case
The UWAT adapter neck fits down inside the recessed section

Here is the New UWAT-F Adapter with the ToUcam. The flange on the adapter fits against the case inside the depressed section near the threads. Gives a very stable mounting.




3Com Home Connect

The 3Com Home connect camera will fit a UWAL, UWAL-9 or UWAL-F adapter. The lens can be un-screwed and the adapter screwed in without any additional modification to the camera.

3Com HomeConnect Webcam2.jpg (4558 bytes)



X10 XCam2

This is the wireless camera that is so effectively marketed on the internet. Note is has a CMOS sensor so isn't that great for astronomy. However, the wireless aspect may make it useful for lunar or solar  imaging.

  and  inside it is something like


Quick Cam Pro 3000

Joseph Powel provided some pictures of the QC Pro 3000 having the UWAL-F adapter fitted. The UWAL also fits the QC Pro 4000 camera.


01 QuickCam Pro 3000.jpg (55129 bytes)


If you decide to perform this mod yourself, you do this at your own risk. I take no responsibility for damage incurred to anyone's CAM or PC. Neither does Joseph


02 Back View.jpg (56809 bytes) Unscrew
03 TOP VIEW.jpg (63352 bytes) Cut here
05 Clip.jpg (100943 bytes) Open
04 opened.jpg (40195 bytes) Unscrew Lens
07 Screw in UWAL-F.jpg (40078 bytes) Screw in UWAL-F
06 Lens Removed.jpg (134960 bytes)


Don't touch the CCD. Make sure the adapter doesn't touch the CCD

08 UWAL-F connected.jpg (140187 bytes) Put it back together
09 Finished.jpg (125430 bytes) Screw in the screw
  Start Imaging the Universe

Creative Webcam NX Ultra use UWAT-F


Unibrain Fire-i web cam

The Unibrain Fire-i web cam uses an M10 * 1mm  lens mounting thread. The small diameter of the thread means that any webcam adapter restricts the light path causing vignetting of the image. Although the camera is potentially very good given its high data rates the vignetting caused by the standard lens mount doesn't enable the potential to be exploited. To use this camera you will need to modify the lens mounting system and create a custom 1.25" adapter.